Legal Notice regarding the use of this website
This website is property of Malanico. By consulting or using this website, you accept the conditions stated below. If you do not accept these conditions, you are not allowed to consult or use this website.
© Copyright 2005-2016 Malanico b.v., Evenboersweg 1, 7711 GX NIEUWLEUSEN, Nederland. All rights reserved.
Intellectual property
Nothing from this website may be copied, reproduced, stored in a database, uploaded, displayed, send or in any way be spread electronically, mechanically, printed or photographed without prior written permission from Malanico with the exception of the fact that you can download a copy of the information on this website on a personal computer for personal, non-commercial use. Changing (the information on) this website or use of (the information on) this website for any other reason is a violation on the copyright and other rights belonging to Malanico.
Malanico is in no way liable for any loss or incidental, direct or indirect, damage resulting from using, misusing or not being able to use (the information on) this website, not even when Malanico was notified of the possibility of this kind of damage arising.
This website and all information on this website is offered on an ‘as is’ basis. Malanico does not provide explicit or implicit guarantees about the completeness, quality, and appropriateness for use as part of a specific objective of this website and all information on this website.
Latest update
This legal notice was last updated 4-7 April, 2016.
Applicable law
The above conditions are prepared following Dutch law. Any dispute resulting from these conditions can only be brought to a Dutch court.